googlec483f96313dc8ffa.html Freight Broker Agent School | freight broker school | United States
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  Direct Cell:  678-343-0088  
Office:  888-222-0829  

 Why is this the "Greatest Business" to learn?

  • Think about this... everything you eat, drink, wear, and use is moved on an 18-wheeler.

  • This is a "Live One-On-One Online Course with our Instructor" using GoToMeeting webinar.

  • "Weekdays or Night" Classes (Choose your hours): for $800 Per Individual Attending (Spring Discount - $195).

  • Weekend or Weekday Class - In Person Class:  $1995 - 1 Individual - Add $710 Per Extra Individual Attending).

  • We offer a "Discount" for anyone else attending with you.                       


  • For more information about the course and pricing details. "Click Here"

  • How much is it possible to earn? "Click Here"

  • You will be receiving "PDF Documents" with step-by-step instructions.  Print PDF examples to follow along.

  • You will also receive a "Certificate of Completion."

  • Learn what the difference between being a Freight Broker and/or an Agent for a Freight Broker. 

  • Note:  That we recommend that you start off as an Agent in order to learn the basic ends and outs of this business.  Once you understand the difference of the two, you will know which one you really to pursue.

  • Our instructor has over 45 years of business experience to share with you!

Darius Miles
Former NBA Player.


Former NBA Player - Darius States: Great Class.  A lot of good information.  Thank you so much, Maria your humor, friendliness, love, and compassion for your students has helped shape us to become professional entrepreneurs and to be fearless at it!

Meta-States:  I truly enjoyed the class.  Maria's teaching was very informative and motivational in introducing all the tools I need in becoming an agent.  My level of confidence is at a high peak in knowing.  I've tapped into my passion to do well and succeed in the Trucking Transportation Industry.


Heather States:  It is informative, and she shows several different ways to make money.


Johnetta States:  I learned a lot of knowledge of freight and really enjoyed the class.  I will definitely recommend this course to others.  Fun class easy learning.


Khandice States:  I definitely enjoyed the class.  It is very interesting and helped me understand the process very well.  All the information given will be used accordingly and very grateful for the opportunity.

Virgie States: Class was amazing.  It was very personal and informative.  I feel like I got all the information and tools needed to become a successful broker.  I appreciate being able to follow up with my instructor Maria if I need help.  Thank you so much!   P.S. Your school was in the "TOP 5" of my search.


Wayne States: Class was very informative, great to understand, fun, and there were no wrong questions :)


Briana States: First off, I really enjoyed the training.  I have gained so much knowledge within two days.  I love the format and how detailed the learning material had been.  Thank You, Thank You.


Gheorghe States: I am very impressed, about the tons of information the instructor Maria gave to us.  I can easily tell she's a teacher, a leader, and a psychologist which makes her a perfect mentor for a person who's trying to make a difference.  I would highly recommend her to anyone.  Thank you very much!!!


Danue States: GREAT!  Lots of information.  Just what I'm looking for.  I needed you a year ago.  Thanks.

~ Our Company Motto ~
 "It Does Not Hurt to Light One Candle with Another Candle".   We Shared Knowledge

Instructor Maria has accumulated over 45+ years of business experience to share with you.  She is very passionate teacher and enjoys in sharing her 25+ years of knowledge in this business with her students.  Note: Once you have completed this course you will receive a "Certificate".


In the course you will learn the basics of how to start your new business.  Teaching you the basics of how the freight brokerage business works.  You will learn how to fill out the basic documents needed to move the freight, how to use the load boards, learn the basics how to negotiate your earnings between the Shipper and the Carriers of the freight being moved.  Learn many of the do's and don'ts of brokering freight across U.S.A.   




After completing our course, it is then up to you to decide whether to go work for a freight brokerage company as an agent (which we highly recommend) or you can personally decide to become a freight broker.  If so, it is up to you to keep on developing your skills, knowledge and staying on top of the current laws and regulations of becoming a full freight broker in this industry.

If you choose to further become a "Freight Broker".

You will need to setup get a corporation of your choice, by setting up with you company name, address and phone number, and don't forget to register for your domain at the same time.  As a Freight Broker you will have to fil for your Freight Broker Authority which takes 4-6 weeks to process, file the BOC3, file the UCR, setup your Freight Broker Pin and pay for a $75,000 Bond or put $75,000 into a Bank Trust.  


(Note:  A Freight Broker Bond goes by your personal credit score.  This does not hurt your personal credit when the Bonding Company verifies your credit score).

To become a "FREIGHT BROKER" you will need to be file...

1) "Freight Broker Authority   2) BOC3   3) UCR   4) Broker Pin".   5) Must set-up a $75,000 Bond or Bank Trust

To become an "AGENT" for a Freight Broker firm...

All you will need is a L.L.C. Limited Liability Company - that's all.  No licensing, no bond or trust, you don't have to do account payables or receivables or carry the liability.


Review what our former students have to state...

Written References


Videos References.
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Warning:  The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work and/or video of our course and/or class is illegal.  Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to five years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.   2000-2025 © Copyright Freight Broker Agent School LLC.  All Rights Reserved.  Disclosure/Disclaimer

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